
29 January 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

Director : Wes Anderson

Running Time: 94mins

USA 2012

Cert 12A


Tender, romantic and lovable, Moonrise Kingdom is a real visual feast, a journal of gorgeous details that you’d like to take home, hang on the walls and stare at for hours. Suzy and Sam, the young lovers who decide to run away together from a world that doesn’t understand them, are adorable, acting as if they’re the heroes of some tragic love story while at the same time maintaining their precious childishness. Bill Murray posing as Suzy’s dad and Tilda Swinton as Social Services (her actual name in the film) both have their own objectives in the story, while Bruce Willis (the local law officer) and Edward Norton (the scout master) also both portray characters with hidden depths. 

Click on the Pictures to connect to the film website or trailer.